Wednesday, August 18, 2010


A youth record does not automatically disappear when you turn 18; It depends on the type of offence and the sentence.

Absolute Discharge: 1 yr after being found guilty
Conditional Discharge: 3 yrs after being found guilty
Summary Offences: 3 yrs after finishing sentence
Indictable Offences: 5 yrs after finishing sentence
Murder, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Sexual Assault: Maybe Never

-After this period, your record will be destroyed unless you have committed another offence in the meantime. In which case, the time will start running again based on the new offence.
- If you get an adult conviction during this period, your youth record is never destroyed.
- If you get extrajudicial sanctions, the record of your participation in the program is destroyed after 2 years.
- If you are unsure about your record, call a lawyer

Justice for Children and Youth
GTA: 416-920-1633

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