Wednesday, August 18, 2010


1.You should give your correct name, age and address. Ask if you are free to go. If they say no, they may be arresting you.
2. Ask why you are being arrested. You have a right to know.
3.Before the police can charge you, they must consider the following alternatives: They can
  • A. Let you go.
  • B. Give you a warning.
  • C. Caution you (and even your parents) on the spot or at the police station
  • D. If there are grounds for a charge, and if you agree, refer you to a community program.
4.If the police officer does not mention these alternatives, politely ask about the alternatives.

Who to Contact: 24 hour Legal Aid Lawyers 1-800-268-8326, or (police must give you this #) (416) 947-3330 Justice for Children & Youth (416)920-1633; 1-866-999-5329 (outside GTA)

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