Monday, October 31, 2011

Preventing Youth Violence

PLE Team Member Deqa Abdi wrote the following opinion piece about youth violence:

I think that reducing youth violence is not always about legal approaches but can be about communities learning how to work together to combat youth issues.  Growing up I was not exposed to much teen violence. From time to time, there would be tiny brawls after school, but they were never very serious. I think this was because my school offered a variety of diverse school programs including sports, clubs, committees and events that kept many students occupied and busy, leaving very little room for fighting. Facilities and after school programs like this are extremely useful in helping students keep their minds on positive activity rather than negative activities.  They allow students to put their creative talent to good use. If schools do not offer many after school programs that interest students, then there are always other facilities. For example, programs like YMCA and Toronto Community Recreational Centres are also very great centres for young students to spend their spare time.

We asked JFCY Social Work student Zakiya Atcha to tell us about some of the free or low-cost recreational resources that are available for youth across Toronto:

Here is a list of some recreational resources available across Toronto for free. If you have a child and youth worker or a social worker, you can also ask them to refer you to free programs in your area.  There are many different activities available, like sports, dance training, art, games etc.

1) YMCA (Many locations across Toronto)

2) YWCA (Many locations across Toronto) 

3) Youth Training Youth (Sports and training - Downtown Toronto)
55 Charles St. West
Toronto, ON M5S 2K5  

4) City of Toronto - (Youth Dance Courses – Many locations across Toronto)

5) City of Toronto - (Youth clubs- chess, drumming etc. Many locations across Toronto) 

6) The Hanger at Downsview Park- (Youth Ball Hockey House League- North York)  
7) Toronto City Mission (Different Youth Programs and multiple locations: Jane and Finch, St. James Town, Steeles Avenue, Birchmount and Willowtree) 

8) Delta Family Resource Centre (Different Youth Programs)  
2972 Islington Ave, Unit 5
Toronto, ON, M9L 2K6

The JFCY PLE Team has some recreational fun at its September meeting.
Don't be fooled by the serious-looking boardroom.

1 comment:

  1. I highly agree with you. We all know that the community plays a vital role in their development that is why if we have a community free from teen violence then our young ones would not do such foolish things. And one thing, if people work together for a purpose it can be done.
