Hello and welcome to
the JFCY blog, if this is your first visit! If not, welcome back.
I’ll be at JFCY throughout this year, working with staff lawyer Andrea Luey to lead the PLE Team. My role will involve helping to promote and update JFCY’s social media outlets – this blog, Facebook, and Twitter. I’ll also be helping to coordinate meetings and other projects.
Outside of JFCY, I
attend law school at the University
of Toronto. I recently moved to Toronto
from outside the city, and before that, I spent five years living and going to
school in Kingston, Ontario. At law school, I’m also involved as a tutor
with the LAWS program, where one JFCY's summer staff participated as a
I have some ideas
about how we can improve our social networking presence and the online information
that we provide about legal issues facing children and youth, but I would really
appreciate hearing your ideas and suggestions about the blog, the topics we
cover, and how we can communicate better.
If you’re interested in joining the PLE team, find out more here (scroll to the bottom to find out about volunteering). The team is currently working on a number of different projects, including future YouTube videos and resources on cyber-bullying.
If you’re interested in joining the PLE team, find out more here (scroll to the bottom to find out about volunteering). The team is currently working on a number of different projects, including future YouTube videos and resources on cyber-bullying.
I am thrilled to be at JFCY and I am looking forward to learning more about the organization and sharing that with you. Have a great weekend!
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