Legal Information Pamphlets

Find below links to helpful pamphlets on a variety of legal topics. The pamphlets here have been formatted to print on regular letter size paper. They are also available in pamphlet (booklet form). Contact our office by telephone or email to ask us to send you copies (some charges may apply for shipping):

Child Protection
Guide to Child Welfare Court
Physical Punishment

School Issues
Right to Attend
Special Education Supports
Bullying Zine

Youth Criminal Justice:
Youth Guide to Court: "I've been Charged and I'm Under 18 - What do I do?"
Know Your Rights

Shoplifting (Civil Recovery)
Health Care Rights
Age Based Laws
Leaving Home
House Parties (newsletter)
Shopping Malls (newsletter)

Another place where you can find up to date legal information on a variety of different issues is through CLEO's Your Legal Rights website.