
About JFCY

Some of our friendly staff at JFCY!
Welcome to JFCY's blog!
This blog will be a continuously updated source of information, videos, photos, and other posts to keep you engaged with JFCY. Each post will also be available on JFCY's facebook page.

To provide legal information and educational materials that are more accessible to young people (under the age of 18) in Ontario. Also, to facilitate greater knowledge of our Specialty Legal Aid Clinic, Justice for Children and Youth, and the services we provide.

We have lawyers that represent and advocate for youth under 18. If you have a legal problem or you have any questions you can contact us. We may be able to help you or tell you where you can get help. If you need help with welfare, education, the children’s aid, getting off the street, your family or the criminal law, please call us.

Justice For Children and Youth aims to assist and empower children and youth in obtaining fair and equal access to legal, educational, medical and social resources.

For more information, see our publications here!